July 2013
Spiritual Growth and Heart Issues (Part II)
Pastor continues his message from the morning service on growth and the heart of the believer.
Spiritual Growth and Heart Issues
Using Jesus’ amazing “Sermon on the Mount” as a foundation, Pastor Greg reveals some awesome truths that we as believers should use to grow in our walk with Him. Are you ready for some fresh bread? Then listen to this message and get ready to be be blessed.
Victory in Jesus – What Does it Mean for Me?
Beginning in Psalms and moving throughout scriptures, Pastor reveals precious truths from God’s Word.
The Power of God’s Word
Pastor Greg delivers a Word during the Independence Day weekend. Listen and declare your independence from sin and the devil as you learn to depend on Jesus Christ!
June 2013
The Mighty Name of Jesus (Part 2)
Pastor Greg concludes his two part message on the mighty Name of Jesus. Learn how to reject the world view and get rooted in the Word.
The Mighty Name of Jesus (Part 1)
We have many important dates in our lives that we treasure – birthdays, anniversaries, holidays; but none is as important as the Day of our Salvation, when we give our hearts to Jesus and get His new name for us! When you are born again, a seed that was placed in your heart begins to […]
Power for the life of the Believer
Pastor brings more biblical insight for your life in this revealing Word from the Lord!
Keep Fear Out and Let the Word In!
If we feed the Word into our hearts, we can reap peace in our lives. The devil comes to steal that Word so it won’t take root. It is important for our spirit man to hear the voice of God and shut out the voice of fear and anxiety. The Bible says faith comes by […]