October 2012

Missions Conference 2012

Special guests, Rodney & Aida Stine, missionaries to the Philippines.

Jesus the Servant

Pastor Greg revisits the text of John 13, this time examining the aspects of Christian servanthood as exemplified in the actions of Jesus.  Are you ready to be a Godpleaser and not a manpleaser?  Then this message is for you!

A Nation That Will Bear Fruit

Don’t sit on the sidelines and think the future of our Nation doesn’t matter. As a christian, God calls us to be involved in the vineyard. What can the righteous do? Pastor Greg encourages us in our responsibility to cast an informed vote that honors God and to pray for our Nation and leaders.   […]

Have Your Feet Been Washed?

A study in the 13th Chapter of John. 

September 2012

You’ve Got To Know Some Things!

Starting in Romans 5 and using several new testament passages, Pastor Greg reveals several key beliefs essential for a powerful Christian walk.

Knowing The Truth About Christ

What is your perception of who Jesus is?  Is He the Son of God?  The people who followed Jesus all saw his works and miracles, yet some believed and some were blinded.  Hear the truth about the majesty of Jesus and apply it in your life.

Peace Like a River

Do you want peace like a river? Well, Jesus is our supplier and what He offers is for you now. Listen as Pastor Georg teaches from the Word about how to have peace in the midst of any situation.


Does God need to continually pour into you those things which He has already blessed you with? Salvation? Deliverance? Healing? We need to grow up in our faith and learn  how to keep what God has given us. To build on a solid foundation and walk with God building precept on precept.  

Look To the Hand

Without heaven, there is no hope. There is nowhere else on earth that can offer us any hope at all. This world offers only pain and misery and satan’s plan is to keep you bound. But praise God, He had a better plan when He sent Jesus. We need to lift up our eyes onto […]

It Starts In the Heart

God is not finished with you. He wants to do a work in you so that He can do a work through you. Satan wants to keep you living in mediocrity, BUT God’s plan is so much bigger.   Altar Time [audio:https://www.ncaog.com/hp_wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/07-It-Starts-In-The-Heart-Altar-Time.mp3|titles=07 It Starts In The Heart Altar Time]